
Economic Benefits of the East Bay Regional Park District


Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, CA

Our Expertise

The Client

The East Bay Regional Park District
City fo San Bruno Website:
Photo: Bill Clark
Project Details

EPS was retained by the East Bay Regional Park District, one of the largest park districts in the nation, to document, and where possible quantify, the economic benefits generated by its 125,000 acres of parks, open space, and trails in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. As the lead on a multidiscplinary team, and in collaboration with Disrict staff, EPS prepared a highly publicized document valuing the societal and economic significance of the District system of parks, trails, recreational facilities, and open space.

EPS's analysis considered the Districts economic benefits through five interrelated lenses, including; Ecosystem Services, Property Values, Recreation Use, Public Health, and Additional Benefits. In addition, it evaluated the regional economic impacts associated with changes in interregional spending attributable to District operations and visitation. The analysis was designed for broad public consumptions and documented how the District's stewardship of open space and recreational amenities provide an array of benefits to residents, visitors, businesses, agriculture and endangered habitats and species. The District used the analysis to informs resident, users, government, and community leaders of the benefits of the land, facilities, and services under its stewadship since 1934.

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