News & Insights

26 Mar
Westminster Mall Specific Plan wins APA award
Jason Moody

EPS Managing Principal Jason Moody presented on the post-pandemic prospects for Bay Area Downtowns at that Bay Area Planning Directors Fall meeting held at the Bay Area Metro Center on November 18...Read More

May 31
Westminster Mall Specific Plan wins APA award
Jason Moody

After playing a key role in a multi-year planning effort, EPS is report that the Westminster Mall Specific Plan, (details found here) was selected for the 2023 APA Orange Section “Economic Planning & Development Award of Excellence”. The APA Orange Section commemorates exceptional planning work carried out in Orange County each year.

26 Mar
EPS study wins Governor’s Award for best plan for Englewood Economic Development Strategic Plan
Lisa Marie Eytcheson

EPS Managing Principal Jason Moody presented on the post-pandemic prospects for Bay Area Downtowns at that Bay Area Planning Directors Fall meeting held at the Bay Area Metro Center on November 18...Read More

May 23
EPS study wins Governor’s Award for best plan for Englewood Economic Development Strategic Plan
Lisa Marie Eytcheson

“Since 2003, the Downtown Colorado, Inc. (DCI) Governor’s Awards for Downtown Excellence have recognized outstanding projects and people in Colorado that demonstrate creativity in the face of challenges, unlikely and enduring partnerships, and dedication to the community to further downtown initiatives.” [1]

26 Mar
City of Lancaster Adopts VMT Mitigation Fee Based on EPS Study
Julie Cooper

EPS Managing Principal Jason Moody presented on the post-pandemic prospects for Bay Area Downtowns at that Bay Area Planning Directors Fall meeting held at the Bay Area Metro Center on November 18...Read More

Feb 3
City of Lancaster Adopts VMT Mitigation Fee Based on EPS Study
Julie Cooper

Lancaster’s City Council adopted a vehicle-miles-traveled mitigation (VMT) based Impact fee on January 24 that is novel among cities in Los Angeles County. EPS worked with a larger Consultant Team, which included Michael Baker International and Fehr & Peers, to identify the best approach to developing the fee.

26 Mar
EPS helps envision Hensley Field Master Plan
Lisa Marie Eytcheson

EPS Managing Principal Jason Moody presented on the post-pandemic prospects for Bay Area Downtowns at that Bay Area Planning Directors Fall meeting held at the Bay Area Metro Center on November 18...Read More

Jan 31
EPS helps envision Hensley Field Master Plan
Lisa Marie Eytcheson

EPS worked on an ambitious plan as an economic consultant on a multidisciplinary team, for the City of Dallas redevelopment plan and implementation strategy for Hensley Field, a former 738-acre US Naval Air Station located on Mountain Creek Lake in southwest Dallas.

26 Mar
CALED Publishes Article by EPS Staff On California Housing Initiatives
Jason Moody

EPS Managing Principal Jason Moody presented on the post-pandemic prospects for Bay Area Downtowns at that Bay Area Planning Directors Fall meeting held at the Bay Area Metro Center on November 18...Read More

Jan 9
CALED Publishes Article by EPS Staff On California Housing Initiatives
Jason Moody

The California Academy for Economic Development (CALED) featured an article co-written by EPS staff Jason Moody and Luke Foelsch on how new State housing initiatives that may transform development patterns along commercial arterials.

26 Mar
EPS Services Help Win Approval of Westminster Mall Specific Plan
Jason Moody

EPS Managing Principal Jason Moody presented on the post-pandemic prospects for Bay Area Downtowns at that Bay Area Planning Directors Fall meeting held at the Bay Area Metro Center on November 18...Read More

Dec 12
EPS Services Help Win Approval of Westminster Mall Specific Plan
Jason Moody

The Westminster City Council on Wednesday unanimously approved Specific Plan and environmental impact report and general plan amendment to redevelop an enclosed 1.2 million square foot shopping mall adjacent to the San Diego (405) Freeway.

26 Mar
Contra Costa County LAFCO Approves EPS-Authored Municipal Services Review
Ashleigh Kanat

EPS Managing Principal Jason Moody presented on the post-pandemic prospects for Bay Area Downtowns at that Bay Area Planning Directors Fall meeting held at the Bay Area Metro Center on November 18...Read More

Dec 9
Contra Costa County LAFCO Approves EPS-Authored Municipal Services Review
Ashleigh Kanat

On November 9, 2022, the Contra Costa County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) approved the 2nd Round Municipal Services Review (MSR) and Sphere of Influence (SOI) update for the Contra Costa Resource Conservation District (RCD) and the Mosquito & Vector Control District (MVCD).

26 Mar
EPS Presents Post-Pandemic Prospects For Bay Area Downtowns
Jason Moody

EPS Managing Principal Jason Moody presented on the post-pandemic prospects for Bay Area Downtowns at that Bay Area Planning Directors Fall meeting held at the Bay Area Metro Center on November 18...Read More

Nov 28
EPS Presents Post-Pandemic Prospects For Bay Area Downtowns
Jason Moody

EPS Managing Principal Jason Moody presented on the post-pandemic prospects for downtowns at the Bay Area Planning Directors fall meeting in November 2022.

26 Mar
San Bruno Adopts Bayhill Area Development Impact Fee Based On EPS Nexus Study
Jason Moody

EPS Managing Principal Jason Moody presented on the post-pandemic prospects for Bay Area Downtowns at that Bay Area Planning Directors Fall meeting held at the Bay Area Metro Center on November 18...Read More

Nov 15
San Bruno Adopts Bayhill Area Development Impact Fee Based On EPS Nexus Study
Jason Moody

The San Bruno City Council unanimously approved a Bayhill Area Development Impact Fee on November 8th, 2022 a financing tool that will help pay for new infrastructure needed to support buildout of the business park and the expansion of Youtube’s headquarters.

Railyards Specific Plan
Los Angeles County, Mountain View, and El Segundo, CA
California Residential Displacement Mitigation Studies