Allison Shaffer
Senior Technical Associate
455 Capitol Mall Suite 701 Sacramento, CA 95814

Allison is an urban land economist with more than three decades of consulting experience. Allison has completed projects in all of EPS’s practice areas and specializes in public finance. She has served as project manager and lead technical analyst on numerous public facilities financing plans, development impact fee studies, public financing feasibility projects, and urban services plans. She possesses an in-depth knowledge of various financing mechanisms for backbone infrastructure and public facilities, including development impact fee programs, land secured financing, the use of private funding sources, and the implementation of credit and reimbursement policies. Allison especially enjoys the technical aspects of project work and is skilled at preparing complex and transparent financial models.

Allison joined EPS in 1989. She holds a Master of Business Administration degree and a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematics, both from the University of California, Davis.

Outside of work, Allison enjoys spending time with her family, friends, and scruffy mixed-breed dog.  Some of her favorite activities are running, hiking, camping, skiing, and traveling.