Amy Lapin
455 Capitol Mall Suite 701 Sacramento, CA 95814

Since joining EPS in 2003, Amy has helped clients answer key questions to advance sustainable development and public policy. Amy enjoys managing multidisciplinary projects and providing clear solutions based on analytics, policy objectives, and stakeholder input. Amy has completed projects across all of EPS’s lines of business and specializes in unique and challenging assignments. These assignments have included projects such as examining the comprehensive economic impacts of wildfires and critical habitat designations, ensuring the fiscal sustainability of real estate development, and developing creative financing strategies to fund physical infrastructure, public services, andeconomic revitalization in downtown and infill neighborhood locales. Recently, Amy assisted jurisdictions in understanding the dynamics of their local housing markets, including evaluating socioeconomic trends and regulatory, financial feasibility, and other barriers to achieving desired housing objectives. Drawing on these analyses, Amy has developed targeted strategies to incentivize residential development, support neighborhood stabilization, and minimize gentrification-related displacement.

Amy holds a Master’s in Community and Regional Planningfrom the University of Oregon and a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Ohio Wesleyan University. Amy is a member of the Urban Land Institute (ULI) and the American Planning Association (APA) and currently serves on the Sacramento Tree Foundation (STF) board. Amy is in her element spending time outside with her family, long-distance running, biking around Sacramento, hiking the plentiful trails of Northern California, and exploring new urban environments.