Ryan Martinez
Senior Associate
1330 Broadway Suite 450 Oakland, CA 94612

Ryan is a professional data scientist and a committed lifelong student of urban economics. At EPS, Ryan enjoys working at the intersection of comprehensive data analysis and economic theory to provide the most valuable and salient products for the firm’s clients. Specific EPS practice areas in which Ryan works include real estate economics, housing policy, and public finance.

Before joining EPS in 2021, Ryan worked at Beacon Economics LLC, a Los Angeles-based macroeconomic research firm, where he led their Economic and Revenue Forecasting practice area. His academic journey includes earning a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and a Bachelor of Science in Statistics from Cal State East Bay in 2018. Currently, he is working toward a Master of Science in Statistics at Cal State Fullerton, researching computational methods for addressing contemporary planning issues. He is an active member of the American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association (AREUEA) and the American Statistical Association (ASA).

Outside of urban economics, and among many other awesome things, Ryan is passionate about his morning skincare routine, which he spends 10 minutes on every day before heading to work.