Our Mission

EPS provides rigorous analysis and insightful solutions to address complex challenges in real estate development, land use policy, and local government finance. We are motivated by the role our work can play in shaping places where people live and we strive to create high-quality urban environments that advance the principles of diversity, resiliency, and shared prosperity.

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EPS offers a wealth of experience, robust technical expertise, and the ability to offer insightful solutions to address the challenges and opportunities of urban development.

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Feb 10
EPS Helps Shape the Future of the Folsom River District
Amy Lapin

We’re excited to share that the Folsom River District Vision Plan has been unanimously approved by the Folsom City Council! This Plan encompasses a 6-mile stretch of the American River close to Folsom’s downtown, and envisions a balanced approach to enhanced recreational amenities, improved river access, and innovative economic development opportunities to strengthen the local economy and community ties to the waterfront.

Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. (EPS) lead the economic analysis, ensuring a sustainable and feasible path forward for investment and implementation. We are grateful for the collaboration with RRM Design Group and Ascent Environmental, who helped shape this transformative vision for Folsom’s riverfront.

The final study can be found here.

Jan 30
EPS Helps Pleasanton Approve Impact Fee and Affordable Housing Programs
Megan Gregory

The City Pleasanton sought a comprehensive update to its development impact fee and affordable housing programs to address evolving state regulatory requirements, local economic trends, and 6th Cycle RHNA requirements.  In December 2024, the City Council adopted recommendations from a comprehensive study completed by EPS to update these programs.

With the last impact fee updated in 2019 and the Inclusionary Zoning Ordinance (IZO) unchanged since 2000, the City recognized the need to align these programs to ensure new development contribute to necessary public infrastructure and affordable housing needs. EPS provided the technical documentation needed to approve the new fee levels and program requirements and participated in numerous meetings with staff, elected officials, and public to ensure broad support.  The EPS analysis also incorporated an evaluation of feasibility impacts and a fee schedule comparison with other jurisdictions in the Tri-Valley area and beyond.

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